Norooz meaning new day, is the name of the first 13 days of Persian year. It is almost between March 20th and April 3th. In Norooz, most of Iranians spend their time meeting each other. Some people go to traveling and some only enjoy their time by watching TV's films, reading books or magazines and so on. I spent my Norooz by doing a mixture of above.
Since we live in the same apartment with my grand mother, her guests become kind of our own guests so that for the very first days of Norooz, we were busy treating them. After living in such a condition for 19 years, now I can easily guess that which relatives and on what time will knock on the door!!! Although sometimes it became really boring to treat different guests from sunrise to sunset, the pleasure of meeting some relatives and chatting with them remains in me and fills me with a lot of energy. Specially after loosing the chance of meeting close friends in my relatives during the year, Norooz is an occasion to present me an opportunity to be with them again.
As I mentioned above, I did a mixture of things in Norooz. I watched some films on TV and read a few book. We also had a two day trip to Qazvin with our relatives (later I will give more details about this trip). In spite of having nice time in Norooz, the regret of not reading a lot of unread books stays with me!
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